Monday, October 1, 2012

My first tpr speaking lesson...

Larry does the Laundry
pdf with pictures

Larry's washing machine is downstairs. He has lots of laundry to wash today, because all his clothes are dirty. His socks are really smelly, and all his socks are dirty, and he wants them to be clean, because Larry likes to wear clean clothes.
Larry takes the dirty laundry downstairs, and puts the dirty clothes into the washer. Before he starts the washer he needs to add laundry detergent. Larry doesn't usually do the laundry, so he has to read the directions, because he doesn't know how much soap to use when he washes his clothes.
The directions on the box of laundry say that ½ a cup of detergent is the correct amount of laundry soap to use.
So what does Larry do? He knows that his socks are really smelly. so he uses 2 cups of detergent! That's right, he put 2 cups of laundry soap into the washer, and turned it on to go through the wash cycle.
After that Larry went upstairs to read the paper.
What happens in the basement? Well, 2 cups of laundry detergent is too much soap to put into a washing machine. The machine gets full of soap suds, the basement gets full of soap suds, so full that the suds come bubbling up the stairs!
Trying the TPR Storytelling Method:

Establish meaning:
laundry, (uncountable) dirty clothes
wash clothes, do the laundry
washing machine, washer
laundry detergent (uncountable), laundry soap (uncountable)
read the directions
wash cycle
Pattern of circling:
  1. Statement
  2. Yes/No
  3. Negative
  4. Restate
  5. Wh- question(s)
  6. Restate
This is Larry, he wants to do something.
Does he want to go swimming?
Does he want to go to bed?
No, he doesn't want to go to bed, he doesn't want to go swimming.
He wants to wash his clothes.
Why does he want to wash his clothes?
Natalia, do you wash your clothes? (chain drill)

Larry needs to wash his socks.
Oksana, do you wash your socks?
Tetyana, why do wash your socks? (chain drill)
Larry is washing his socks because they are dirty.
Where does he wash his clothes? the bathtub? the river? the washing machine?
Larry washes his clothes in the washer.
Larry put his laundry into the washer, what else does he need to put into the washer?
No! What should he put into the washer?
Larry needs some laundry soap.
Viktoria, do you use soap when you wash your clothes? (chain drill)

Larry needs to know how much soap to use.
Should he use 1 cup of soap?
...2 cups?
...½ a cup?
He needs to use ½ a cup of soap.
Irina, do you use ½ a cup of soap when you wash your clothes? (chain drill)

Larry wants to use enough soap.
Is one cup enough?
No, one cup is too much!
Larry is using too much soap!
Nick, is Larry using too much soap? (chain drill)

Larry is putting soap into the washer.
How much soap did he put into the washer?
Olya, how much soap is in the washer? (chain drill)

Oh no! what is Larry doing now?
He wants to use enough soap.
How much soap is enough?
Is one cup enough?
...2 cups?
½ a cup?
Yulia is ½ a cup enough soap? (chain drill)

How much soap is in the washer?
Are 2 cups enough?
2 cups is too much!
Nick, are 2 cups of soap too much? (chain drill)

Larry needs to rest. He is going upstairs to read the paper.
Is he going to watch TV?
No, he is going to read the paper.
Oleksandra, do you read the paper? (chain drill)
Where is Larry going?
He is going upstairs.
Natalia, do you go upstairs?

Oh no! Look at all the bubbles!
Larry used too much soap.
Oksana, did Larry use too much soap? (chain drill)

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